Glenda Cleveland net worth

Glenda Cleveland was born in 1954, in the United States. Cleveland was 56 years when she passed away on December 24, 2010, when she was alone in her apartment due to her heart disease and high blood pressure. Glenda Cleveland was a well-known American woman for being the neighbour of Jeffrey Dahmer. Glenda Cleveland is a very private person with her personal romantic state. Sandra Smith is Cleveland’s daughter. Glenda Cleveland stands a height of 5 feet 7 inches tall. Between 1978 and 1991, Jeffrey, a serial killer and sex offender, killed about seventeen men and boys.

In May 1991, Cleveland repeatedly called the police after she found Jeffrey suspicious when her daughter and her niece reportedly told her about a bleeding naked boy whom they saw running from their neighbour Jeffrey’s house but the police did not find anything suspicious when they confronted Jeffrey. Jeffrey was finally arrested in July 1991 after he murdered five more people. Glenda Cleveland was formally recognized by the County Board and Common Council. The Mayor recognized Glenda Cleveland as a model citizen.

Glenda Cleveland’s net worth

Glenda Cleveland’s net worth is unknown to the media because her profession has not been discovered yet.
